With this call, ENISA seeks to recruit one Operational Cooperation Technical Officer (AST6) Inter-Agency Mobility.
The place of employment for this vacancy is Athens, Greece.
The Jobholder is expected to perform the following activities:
- Manage computer systems and platforms (Operating Systems, Virtualisation, Physical servers).
- Manage networks and security services technologies.
- Assist the installation, configuration, test, and deployment of network switches and firewalls.
- Manage Application/Middleware Infrastructure (Database, Content Management Systems, Application Server).
- Integrate new components and functionality into existing systems.
- Execute planned tasks for the development, deployment, configuration, testing, operations and maintenance of production and preproduction systems (networking and security services).
- Carry out tasks related to system's versioning and change management procedures.
- Monitoring and logging systems’ and platforms' operations.
- Investigate, troubleshoot and respond to systems’ and platforms’ issues.
- Perform, configure and verify backups of IT systems.
- Perform disaster and business recovery plans and drills.
- Assist the development of scripts for automation of build-out and configuration of virtualised systems.
- Carry out planned Vulnerability Management activities for various systems and platforms.
- Ensure continuous development and improvement of the systems and platforms.
- Performing other duties as instructed by the management, according to the needs and priorities of ENISA.
For more information related to the tasks, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, etc. we invite you to read carefully the vacancy notice.
Please send us your applications by no later than 05/07/2021 at 16:00 CET (Central European Time Zone).
Management board
Chair: Andrea DUFKOVA
Member: Christian VAN HEURCK
Staff Committee Member: Christina CHALANOULI
Observer: Monika LANZENBERGER